Search not finding search term from page title

Search not finding search term from page title

Using the default database search index in drupal 8, when I search for a term from the a page title, sometimes it shows the result and sometimes it shows nothing, even though i enter the exact page title in the search. All pages have been indexed. How can I debug why... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

How to disable adding new terms via the autocomplete deluxe module for taxonomy terms?

I’m using the autocomplete deluxe module for taxonomy terms in my fields. I want to prevent users from creating new terms during content creation. How can this be done? read more
Search not finding search term from page title

Get a dropdown for Views: Filter: Taxonomy Term Name

I’m using taxonomy term name to filter views based on their taxonomy. I’ve tried basic or Better Exposed Filters and setting a relationship but still no option for a drop-down select menu. I can’t use filter by “Taxonomy Term: Term”... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

Display price in add to cart form BEFORE add to cart button

the logical flow of choosing attributes is seeing price adjustments based on the attributes chosen before the buy button … how can i display the price in the form itself so it appears BEFORE the add to cart button? here is an example of what i am talking about... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

How to change the SID of webforms to increment from a new starting number

We launched a new website that uses webforms but need to make sure our webforms are using an SID for results larger than the last number used on the old site. Please note that I am not referring to the serial for the webform submission but Drupal’s SID. For... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

Comments not displayed

On my Drupal 8 I have a blog, which should have a comment function. I added the comment field in the content type of the blog posts and I also checked the checkbox that the comment input field is shown. But the comment section is not displayed. Even in my template... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

Error installing CiviCRM

Following the amazing work @david-snopek posted: Blog post – CiviCRM & D8, David’s StackExchange Post. I spent the better part of last evening trying to get CiviCRM up and running on a Drupal 8.4 BLT project. After trying a few different approaches,... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

How do I create a sticky navigation bar in Open Social?

I’m using D8 and working on new theme in Open Social witch uses bootstrap/sass. In my theme I want the navigation bar (in the header region) to be sticky at the top of the screen. I’ve made some javascript/sass code but I can’t get it to work. This... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

Currency switcher

Is there a currency negotiation service in Drupal Commerce 8? How can I change product currency on my multi currencies e-commerce? read more
Search not finding search term from page title

Render parent paragraph depending on dynamic data from child paragraph (e.g. db query)

Here’s my problem (D8): There’s a content type concert. In a paragraph type concerts_list a list of upcoming concerts (concert nodes) is displayed. This concerts_list paragraph is referenced in field_right_column of another paragraph of type 2_columns.... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

How can I exclude the Admin Toolbar from being translated?

I have enabled 3 languages, but I always want to show Admin toolbar (menu) in English, I don’t want that to be translated, how can I do that ? If I want to see front end content in Arabic then I don’t want to see Admin menu in Arabic. read more
Search not finding search term from page title

Enable clean urls drupal 7.56 / nginx – check failed

I have an issue with the clean urls check. When I test there is an error in the Nginx log: 2017/10/06 09:49:01 [error] 468#468: *199 open() “/usr/share/nginx/html/drupal-7/admin/config/search/clean-urls/check” failed (2: No such file or directory), client:... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

How to attach a library to a specific block

I wonder how to attach a library to a specific block. I do this: in mytheme.libraries.yml lib-name-script: js: header: true js/masonry.pkgd.min.js: {} js/main.js: {} dependencies: – core/jquery in main.js jQuery(document).ready(function() {... read more
How to change the content moderation state in a custom submit handler?

How to change the content moderation state in a custom submit handler?

I am trying to change the content moderation state from draft to submitted programatically. The Content Moderation module adds a field to content types with a dropdown to change the state, but I want to hide this field from users and instead show a custom submit... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

How do I check by default a checkbox from a checkboxes control after an AJAX call

I have the next form which behavior is: When you select an option from select control, different checkbox are load on checkboxes control. When you check/uncheck checkbox a message is showed on the botton with info about select value and checkbox clicked. Everything... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

Programmatically change page orientation for Entity Print module

In many projects, some entities needs to be printed on LANDSCAPE format, others, on PORTRAIT. I was searching for an example or, maybe, a more precise way to implement a page orientation hook, but didn’t really find any. I just need to do something like... read more
hreflang links added to page source without translation

hreflang links added to page source without translation

When Interface Translation module is enabled in Drupal 8, I get hreflang links to ALL languages on the site for every page view sourse, no matter if the content is translated or not. If alternate hrefland is active on all of the pages, even untranslated ones, it... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

Drupal 7 Not Rendering HTML tags

I have been trying to research this issue for about a week now but not having much luck as some of the similar postings do not make too much sense to me. Either way, I appreciate any help and guidance on this! I have a custom module that utilizes the CKeditor and... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

Add a class the the form element (tag) of the search block form

How do I add a class to the form element of the search block form? I mean, add a class to this element: <form action=”/search/node” method=”get” id=”search-block-form” accept-charset=”UTF-8″... read more
Search not finding search term from page title

How to handle session for anonymous users for CSRF tokens?

I need to provide list of CSRF tokens in drupalSettings for every anonymous user so JS can make safe requests to api endpoints. The CSRF service mentions the need for session to exist for the seed but I am not clear about how to create the session correctly. I tried... read more