Store images in file or media entity?

Store images in file or media entity?

When I start a Drupal project, should I use the Media module for image files? I hope I can upgrade to Drupal 8.3, where parts of the Media module are in core. read more
Store images in file or media entity?

Convert UTC to local time in date field

I have a content type with a date field, which I convert to a specific date format in a preprocess function: $variables[‘date’] =... read more
Store images in file or media entity?

How do I override /theme/custom twig in my module to render input fields?

I have a module that is building a form. I want to theme the form using twig within my module so it does not interfere with my theme/custom twigs. My buildForm function is: public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {... read more
Store images in file or media entity?

AJAX loading of a view on click of a button?

I want to switch between two methods of sorting and displaying items in Views by toggling a button. My exposed filters are in the URL so I want to include the query in the path in order to keep the exposed filter results. Both displays of the view have “use... read more