File Upload Field not working

File Upload Field not working

I just tried to create a simple mandatory file upload field in a custom form like this: public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) { $form[‘#attributes’] = array(‘enctype’ => “multipart/form-data”);... read more
File Upload Field not working

Display Suite Fields not showing

I created a bootstrap sub theme and and have enabled display suite. I have enabled ds extra fields and chose a layout for my content type for full view display. When going to the full view page of my content none of the ds fields are showing. I have enabled title,... read more
Field-Group Tabs not displaying on product page

Field-Group Tabs not displaying on product page

I’m trying to display a handful of fields as tabs on my product detail pages, but it seems that the field-group tabs are being completely ignored by the Commerce product display. Anyone else have this problem? Did I miss something in the tab setup/display? The... read more
File Upload Field not working

Get the value of a field from an entity reference

I have a content type (Actuality) with an entity reference field to another content type (Event). In the referenced content type, I have a field_date field I want to print in the node–actuality.html.twig template file. I tried using {{... read more
File Upload Field not working

How do I verify a route exists?

In Drupal 8, I need to verify a route exists or not in a custom module. How can I achieve this? read more
How do I theme node’s teaser?

How do I theme node’s teaser?

As shown in the picture, I have the teaser view of a taxonomy term (Virtual Tour) which shows the node title, the node summary, the submission date, and an image added in an image field. What I would like to achieve is to let the image float to the left of the... read more
Missing bottom level item when a node is linked to two menu objects

Missing bottom level item when a node is linked to two menu objects

I have been trying to create a custom menu block which shows a number of menu items with images on the current level. I am having an issue where the active trail array doesn’t return an menu item for the active node on level 4 of my menu. Here is an example of... read more
File Upload Field not working

Creating 2 forms to work together on the same page for the same query

I’m facing trouble coming up with the following approach: I will have 3 separate forms acting on the same query from third party API’s. On the front page there is a shorter quick-form that would lead to the page of the other 2 forms. In some cases the... read more
File Upload Field not working

“&” displaying as “&”

I’m Using File (Field) Paths “&” displaying as “&” in the file name i tried to solve it by change the the display of the field to plain text and use the token view mode but nothing change Any help? read more
What is the best way to add a confirmation tooltip to the remove button of a managed_file field?

What is the best way to add a confirmation tooltip to the remove button of a managed_file field?

Another Update I’m trying to implement the solution found here: Intercept click event on a button, ask for confirmation, then proceed, but the remove button still submits normally. I know my JS is targeting the correct element, because I can change other... read more
File Upload Field not working

Add custom field in exposed form in view

I have a view with exposed form. I want to add some custom select field in this exposed form. I have tried with hook_form_alter() but the field is rendered in form submit button wrapper which is strange. How can I add a custom field to another one filters ? read more
File Upload Field not working

Display Suite Extra Fields not showing in content page

Display suite extra fields are shown in the manage display. Fields such as author, user, AND submitted by, are enabled in the custom regions I have defined using a custom ds layout. When I go to the full content page it does not show any of the extra ds fields that i... read more
File Upload Field not working

Get the url for an images in a Field Collection for the Node Template

This is a bit messy so bear with me. I’ve built a node with a field collection ‘field_meet_videos’. That field collection contains another field collection ‘field_about_video’. The inner field collection has 3 fields (two text fields and... read more
File Upload Field not working

How can I disable the form confirmation message?

I’m referring to the green box that informs the user that they have successfully submitted their form. In particular, I’m wondering if I can remove it without writing any php. Is there anything in the admin interface? read more
File Upload Field not working

Varnish selective clearing not happening

I am using: NginX 1.10.2 Varnish 4.1 Drupal 7 with the following modules Expire (Set to external.) Varnish (Set to selective.) Purge (Set to The settings.php file contains the following lines. // Configuration when using varnish and expire module... read more
Mismatched entity and/or field definitions

Mismatched entity and/or field definitions

I have no idea how to fix this, I don’t even understand what the problem is. Mismatched entity and/or field definitions The following changes were detected in the entity type and field definitions. Taxonomy term The Term ID field needs to be installed. The UUID... read more
File Upload Field not working

How can I display a paragraph field excerpt in a search result view?

I’ve spent all day and night battling with Search API (with and without Apache Solr) in Drupal 8. Does anyone know if you can use Search API to index paragraph content and then in a search views result, get back the “excerpt” of highlighted text from... read more