HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

I have a current Drupal site that sends out all emails using the HTML template. Users requests, reset password, webform but does not send out approvals in HTML. Anyone have this issue or know a solution? read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

How can I programmatically change the view mode?

In Drupal 7 I did something like: function mymodule_views_pre_render(&$view) { //dpm($view); if ($view->name == ‘services’) { $view->style_plugin->row_plugin->options[‘view_mode’] = variable_get(‘services_teaser’); }... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

Theming a views field output using views-view-fields.html.twig

I am trying to customize a views output on a view page to wrap the fields in custom markup. I need to group a set of fields to achieve the desired layout like so: Example: <div class=”wrapper”> {{ field.[field_name_1].content }} </div> <div... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

How do I delete all menu links from a menu using the menu machine name in Drupal 8

I trying to get the existing menu items and then delete them in bulk but I’m getting an error trying to load them. $query = Drupal::entityQuery(‘menu_link’) ->condition(‘menu_name’, ‘mycustommenu’) // Order by weight so as... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

Module webform2pdf modify template

I have sereval webforms et each webform send a mail with a pdf. I would like to do a template for each webform. I use webform2pdf in Drupal 7 to send pdf by email. How can i do that ? read more
ajax form, send data from js modal to form

ajax form, send data from js modal to form

I have the following form: When I click the “Add Filter” button, I need to open a modal with a select input element. Then I need to send the user’s choice back to the Drupal Form instance and extend the original form, based on the user’s input.... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

Create a Display Suite Custom Block Field Programatically

Can anyone provide sample code for a custom module and/or provide a reference for hook_ds_fields_info that utilizes ‘field_type’ => DS_FIELD_TYPE_BLOCK, that will actually render in admin/structure/ds/fields. I’m working in 7.2-2.14 of display... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

Exposed filter value into the session and cookie?

I want users visit my site regularly. And I need to store their settings to session (cookie). These settings are: Views Exposed Filter on the FrontPage (like to hide materials from the black list users). So I have the FrontPage View and Taxonomy Term View. These views... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

How do I add body class on specific content_type who have specific field?

I need to add class in body when content type article and have image on it. How do I achieve this? I checked in theme_preprocess_html only found content_type as string. Don’t know how to check image on it. read more
Google Store Locator

Google Store Locator

I have installed this module on a clean Drupal 7 installation. But I can’t activate the Google API. I have added the API key in the GEOCODE field. But I still get the error. Also I got a blanc screen when I add location via the content type Store Location. Maybe... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

Entity field value

I have been creating some custom entities to Drupal 8 and they pretty much work as expected but a small thing of getting any value of a field. Lets say I have basefielddefinition like this: $fields[‘level’] =... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

hook_form_FORM_ID_alter being called twice (even before submit)

I want to make some changes to the “Content” page. The ID of the form is views_form_content_page_1, so I made a quick test (after drush cr of course): function my_module_form_views_form_content_page_1_alter(&$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

How do I redirect to a route with POST method?

I want to redirect to a route and also want to send some parameters which I don’t want to expose on URL. So, I need to redirect with a post method. How to do this? $form_state->setRedirect(‘’, array(‘key’ =>... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

How can I create a custom landing page for a specific taxonomy term?

How would I be able to have a customisable page where in it will be a landing page for special taxonomy terms and will display the related articles of a specific taxonomy term. For instance, will display a PAGE, wherein a list of... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

How to prevent CKEditor from removing content and tags written in source?

I’d like to be able to use things such as the tag for purposes of using font awesome icons, but CKEditor strips tags like this. If I place when in ‘source’ mode in ckeditor it gets removed as soon as I return to the standard mode. Is there a way to... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

Save node via ajax continuously

I’m trying to save a node (with the normal node form) via an ajax callback. The first save works. But after that I want to return the same node form again so that the user can update the values and save the node again. But this second save attempt fails. I... read more
Display thumbnailPhoto from Active Directory – Open atrium and LDAP modelude

Display thumbnailPhoto from Active Directory – Open atrium and LDAP modelude

I am using Open Atrium for my intranet. I got LDAP module installed, the server is configured, same as User, Authentication, and Authorization. The communication with my Active Directory is successful, I have all my fields and properties populated correctly, but... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

Add metatags import to migration

I have made a migration module to import the full content from a legacy Drupal 6 site to my new Drupal 7 site, using the migrate d2d module. Everything works fine, but I have just discovered that there are many custom meta tags added manually for both nodes and... read more
HTML / Mail System / SMTP Not sending approval in html

How to get the url of a file field of a given node?

$node->field_file gives me a FileFieldItemList while the first entry seems to be a FileItem. $node->field_file->getValue() gives me an integer (I guess the file id). How can I actually get the downloadable file uri from that? read more
Alter title link in taxonomy view mode

Alter title link in taxonomy view mode

Under /admin/structure/taxonomy/my_vocabulary/display/entity I’ve got a view mode “entity”. For this view mode, I would like to alter the way the link in the title field is built (the title is replaced by a real field instance due to title module):... read more