How can I change the search form placeholder value?

How can I change the search form placeholder value?

How can I change the search form placeholder value? I can change the value of it in my .theme file, but I want it to be also translatable. What is the correct way of doing this? read more
How do I remove page title/header?

How do I remove page title/header?

In Drupal 8, is there an easy way to configure a page so that its page header/title is not displayed on the page? I have created a Basic Page, with /home as path alias, and Home as title. I set it as front page. However, it displays ‘Home’ at the top of... read more
How do I remove page title/header?

How to configure drush with Acquia DevDesktop on Windows to access through proxy?

There are some answers to similar questions using WAMP, but now drush is not recommended under Windows (unless using DevDesktop, which I am). And this is seriously frustrating. I followed the instructions here and created a wgetrc file with the proxy addresses and... read more
How do I remove page title/header?

Filter articles by tag equal to the node title

I’m trying to create view which will show all Articles which tag is equal to title of currently being viewed node (which content type is not Article). Adding filter Has taxonomy term = [title] does not see token. My question is how to pass current page title to... read more
How do I remove page title/header?

Field updated date in view

I am using Drupal 7 and I have a view displaying the Updated date. Unfortunately, the Updated date changes every time I save the node, even if no changes are made. How can I configure the Updated date to be changed only if changes in fields are made?? P.S: I tried... read more
How do I remove page title/header?

How do I get an article’s author email programmatically?

I would like to send an email to authors when their content updated. How can I get the email of author(s)? I think $to = Drupal::currentUser()->get(‘mail’); is not my friend. read more
How do I remove page title/header?

Add "Request new Password" link to user logIn page

I am using the Logintoboggan module to redirect users to the login page when they try to visit a page for which they don’t have the permission to visit. How do I add a Request new Password or Forgot Password? link to this page? read more
How do I remove page title/header?

How to filter a view with another view?

Let me explain my situation. I have in D7 4 different taxonomy list. Each taxonomy list is connected to other data in the system A content type cFoo 2 different roles : contentmanager (CM) and user. hhahaha what else is new 🙂 The CM is creating a entityque based on... read more
Changing ‘#view_mode’ in content type’s render array

Changing ‘#view_mode’ in content type’s render array

I have a content type in Drupal 8 project that has image, name, info and body field as a default display, and image,name and information as a teaser display. I am able to display this content type with teaser view at the page, but right under that i would like to get... read more
How do I remove page title/header?

set min – max values drupal date_popup timepicker

Is it possible to set the minimum and maximum values of the timepicker in a date_popup field? I use this code for the field, but something like ‘minTime’ is not working. $form[‘fetch_date’] = array( ‘#type’ =>... read more
How do I remove page title/header?

Multiple results in a view due to taxonomy?

I have a content type called “Stuff”. Which has a taxonomy term called “Area”. There are three Areas: A, B and C. I have a view that lists the content. The problem is, I get duplicates based if a node is assigned to multiple terms. So for... read more
How do I remove page title/header?

Check if the user is logged-in in a theme

In Drupal 7 we can simply check if the current user is logged-in in a theme by checking $GLOBAL[‘user’]->uid or using user_is_logged_in(). How can I check if a user is logged-in in a page template, in Drupal 8? A solution is to manually check in... read more
How do I show webform component labels in a chart using Views chart format?

How do I show webform component labels in a chart using Views chart format?

Drupal 7.50, Webform 4.12, Webform Chart 2.0, Views 3.13, Charts 2.0, with Google Charts as the charting engine, so not Highcharts. I have a webform that collects simple drop down list values for each question. The values are 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. There are around 10... read more
How do I remove page title/header?

Change default tab for Media browser

Is it possible to change the default tab for Media browser (Media module) in Drupal 7? Currently I have: Upload, Web, Library and My Files. I would like to open Library by default, instead of Upload. read more
How do I remove page title/header?

How do I manipulate votes on a node?

I have nodes that I want people to be able to vote on. I am currently using the Rate module for this. My use case also requires me to be able to change vote values on individual nodes if necessary. Please how would I do this? I do not want to go into the database... read more
How do I remove page title/header?

Internal server error on node save

I’m getting internal server error on node save. In db log messages there is no such error regarding this issue. In apache error log I have these messages mod_fcgid: read data timeout in 40 seconds, referer: [error] Premature end... read more
How do I remove page title/header?

How to have a field displayed depending on user’s role in Views?

I use Views module to display the content of a custom entity with Page view (not Block view). I’d like to have one field displayed only if the user has a certain role. What is the best way to do that? read more
How do I remove page title/header?

Views math expression or Computed field to find date difference in views

I have two content type, Bill (Type1) and Cash Receipts (Type2), Type2 referencing Type1 when cash is received. In Type1 I have date field called (Bill Issue date), and Type2 I have date field cash receipt date. So I want to calculate, different between those two... read more
How do I remove page title/header?

Guzzle httpClient Drupal Core throwing cURL error 28 Operation timed out

I have been loading the httpClient Core Service in a drupal 8 site. The service class works just fine when the request doesn’t take too long from the API. It seems that if the request takes any longer than about 20-30 seconds the site throws a cURL response... read more
How do I remove page title/header?

Views exposed filter to take multiple values

I’m running a D7 system and have a requirement where I want user to be able to pass multiple values in one of the exposed filters. I’ve got hundreds of nodes called ‘group’ and I want user to be able to pass multiple ‘group’ names... read more