Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

I’m doing some stuff with fullcalendar and views that, more or less, is working. In particular, a month view properly shows a set of events on the day in which they’re scheduled. However, when I switch to week or day view, the events show up in the... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

Run a drush script from php system()

I have a Drupal module with a function that runs a system(“myscript.drush”); function _deploy_monitor_stream($submission_id) { header(“Content-type: text/plain”); disable_ob(); // Outputs to browser $command = ‘whoami’; // Debug : Returns my... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘fn’ of undefined

This occur after I added a Photobooth plugin in my hook_init function: function myid_init() { drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path(“module”, “myid”) . “/photobooth-js-gh-pages/photobooth_min.js”);... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

Add fieldset with add more button using ajax

I have one fieldset like, Education Qualification: 1. School, 2. College, 3. Course, 4. Year (these are the fields which will be in this fieldset) Now I want to do “Add more” button under this fieldset then it will add same another fieldset as per... read more
Pager not working when $form[‘table’] is called with AJAX

Pager not working when $form[‘table’] is called with AJAX

For a statistics page I let users select the right file in a select list. After that I generate a table with stats. This table also has a pager (that worked without the ajax part). Now I did everything in an ajax callback, when I now want to click on next page the URL... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

Change field input type on node edit form

I’m looking to change the input field widget on my form, but still accept the same value at the end of it. I have an integer field, and I only want them to be able to select certain integers which are relative to another field in the system. Normally I would... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

How to dynamic change the size of the icon marker when using Leaflet maps and views

I am using the module Leaflet and its sub-module “Leaflet views” and IP Geolocation Views & Maps (IPGV&M for short), which provides a nice way to assign icon images to, in my case, content type in order to get a map displaying markers. I have set... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

Theming a Fieldable Panel Pane — should I define a View Mode?

I added a Link field to Panopoly’s Image fieldable panel pane, but I need to theme it so the link is silently wrapped around the image rather than displayed textually underneath. It also needs to be easily specified by content editors. (Use case: a full-width... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

How do I get a LEFT OUTER JOIN in Views that displays all rows with no match in the LEFT JOIN-ed table?

Views 7.x-3.x Staff sid name 1 Adam 2 Barbara 3 Carol 4 David Staff Roles sid rid 1 1 2 1 2 2 3 2 3 3 Let’s say that I want a list of all staff, excluding staff who have a particular role, and that role id (rid) will be provided in the URL. Let’s say that... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

How do I change the theme?

I’m using the Dashboard module that comes with Drupal core. For roles that are not administrator, it is empty (permissions are set). I’m pretty sure it is because the theme isn’t viewable. (Other roles do not see the backend theme.) How can I change... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

Pre-Populating a Form Field with something other than its default value

I’m having a strange problem. I am constructing a form with checkboxes to toggle email subscription preferences on and off. For the new user sign-up form, this is straightforward:... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

How to load taxonomy terms from user profile field using entityfieldquery()?

I want to write hook_node_form_alter() and limit taxonomy terms with only user checked terms on his profile in field_companies. I can’t pass the 1st step – load array of user checked terms from field_companies using entityfieldquery. This code does not... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

Add query parameter from url to all links on the page

How to Add query parameter from url to all links on the page? Basically I want to get the Query parameter from url and then attach that on all the links on the page. JQuery or PHP, Any solutions? Please suggest. Thanks in Advance! read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

Hide url in subdirectory install?

in my site I use version 7 of Drupal and Linux OS on the server, and need to hide the subdirectory of the installation when access by LINK … explaining better: Current link: www.site.com/folder I want to change for only: www.site.com I searched in various... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

Import data into Select List using using Feeds and the Feeds XML Parser from xml file

I have to import some data from a xml document. I’m usuing the https://www.drupal.org/project/feeds and the https://www.drupal.org/project/feeds_xpathparser modules. I have other fields which get the data with no problem at all. But I can’t get a Select... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

How to Display Image after submitting webform in the confirmation message page

I have added field as file in webform so that we can add image in this file field. Now i want to display next page after submitting image file by using following code [submission:values:image_file] but I cant able to display the image in the confirmation page. how to... read more
Views: attachment inherits exposed filters when set to No

Views: attachment inherits exposed filters when set to No

I created a page with an attachment to it. Its a Glossary for the Username. And here is my attachment setting: i Have exposed filters on the page where it is attached to: And the Filters works together: When i write something to the name it searches it and when i... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

How to get date values from field collection to a node?

I am trying to print the values from a field collection using following code in Drupal 7 node.But the date values are not getting. $wrapper = entity_metadata_wrapper(‘node’, $node); $formtype = field_get_items(‘node’, $node,... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

How to capture form fields to programmatically create new users

I briefly worked with Drupal several years ago, and now have come back to it for a single project. For all intents, I’m a total beginner. I need to create a new user from a custom form (html in a block.) I’ve found some info on how to do the back-end... read more
Fullcalendar is putting my events into the "all-day" category

Create commerce product through web services

I want to create products using commerce services resource module. At this moment, I can create a product calling the resource …/product with POST, but It seems that It only creates a product variations, because If I navigate to “manage products”... read more