Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

Ctools custom content type called Custom Panes shows contextual links when you have access permission and you hover over the pane (much like a block shows the contextual links) which allows you to easily configure the content of the pane. After creating my own plugin... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

"Page not found" on translated page

I’m setting up a dual language site (English default / Chinese, Simplified) where Taxonomy translation mode is “Localize”. I modified the Taxonomy term in Views. I get results with preview in both default and translated language. In page views, English is okay.... read more
My ajax is altering form action/URL thus makes me impossible to read the $tid from it

My ajax is altering form action/URL thus makes me impossible to read the $tid from it

I am using WEBFORMS which have as the topic taxonomy terms saved as hidden fields. Unfortunate, after attaching files using Upload button this terms are lost (‘No category’), as ajax is altering the form #action URL from /tid e.g. /19... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

Views to display nodes based on ACL permission

I’m trying to use Flexiaccess with ACL to build a view based on node that the user has access granted by Flexiaccess. I found this on, it’s the same use case, but is not working for me maybe because is for Drupal 6.... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

math operators for text fields in views filters

I have a field of type text that contains a number like 10. I want to create a search form with views exposed filters. Since the field is a text, I can’t use greater than and less than operators on the field. Is there any way to have such operators for a text... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

How to use the gallery formatter settings in a display suite code field?

I am using the gallery formatter module to format photo galleries. To satisfy a requirement I need to create a Display Suite code field that displays the list of pictures attached to a related node (attached through the Entity reference module). The get the... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

Migration Issue: New Site won’t open — server doesn’t see file that is there

I am migrating a Drupal site from my localhost to the most current Bitnami Drupal AMI on Amazon: I uploaded the DB successfully. I moved the files correctly. I copied over the modules and libraries. I got the WSOD, changed the error reporting and now, upon opening the... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

JQuery Accordion closes unintended when ajax-link from inside gets response

I’m working on a page where a user can click on ajaxified links inside a JQuery-Accordion-Widget. Currently every time a link is clicked and the response is loaded, the accordion gets closed and it is not possible to click it anymore – but no JS-error is... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

How to display content in views with large 4-layer taxonomy term tree filter?

To describe my problem more accurately I’ll give a simple example of my situation: I have a categorized content. There are 10 different categories like clothes, cars, lamps etc. Each of them have more child terms(clothes:white,red,black) Each of those has more... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

Multiple forms and required fields affecting hook_form_FORM_ID_alter()

When creating a new content type, the $form_id is correctly picked up in my module. Let’s say in my example, my form is called the ‘foo_form’. The below hook_form_FORM_ID_alter function works fine when I go to add/content/foo-form function... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

Create an SVG using data from Views

I am looking for a way to create a dynamically-generated SVG graphic based on data returned in a view from the Views module. Since Views creates lists and SVG is ultimately XML and therefore DOM-based, they seem perfectly well-suited to work together. I have seen a... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

Alert a message after ajax callback [closed]

With the code below I managed to alert the message but after that the form does not work properly, after the submit it redirects me to $base_url/system/ajax and a json array is displayed. $form[‘submitted’][‘test’][‘#ajax’] = array... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

How to get a complete list of blocks that are active content on current page?

I’m trying to get a full list of blocks that are active content on the current page. Preferably it would include details of what type of content is displayed in the block. I need this information to display ads in the blocks. The ads need to be loaded through... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

How to grant permissions for some role to execute custom Rules Components?

I created a view (table) and i asociated views bulk operations. I created 4 rules components. I have permissions only for user/1 (admin). Another user role (eg. editor) can’t see these options. “editor” user can see only “DELETE ITEM”... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

Static field works, dynamically modified element gets lost

I’m new to Drupal forms – trying to figure out a maddening problem. I have a content type of ‘doc-upload’ with various fields including ‘publisher_code’. When I define the ‘publisher_code’ field type to... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

Role cannot create or edit book content

I feel like I am missing something obvious that I just can’t quite put my finger on. As an administrator, I see “Add Content > Book page” and “My Workbench > Create Content > Book page” in the admin menu, and I see tabs to create... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

Block Settings not applying to Zen sub theme

I’ve created a Zen sub theme using the Starter Kit enabled it, and set it as the default (I’ve changed very little from the Starter Kit). If I go to Structure > Blocks there is only a tab for the Zen theme (which is enabled, but not set to default). I... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

How to manage reservations with a 2 hours duration without duplicate bookings?

I want to make a calendar view that will show when music teachers are available, so that students can register online and attend a lesson. The courses have all the same duration which is 2 hours. For this, I created a content type called “Lessons” (Fields:... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

Is a content type or profile a better choice?

I am working on a new site where I want to show information for art galleries, artists, museums, public art installations and art education. I understand both the content type and profile differences but can’t decide which is better in the long run. I know the... read more
Adding Contextual Links to Ctools Custom Content Type Plugin

Is it possible to find which user created an account?

I currently have a Drupal 7 site set up to allow users with the Doctor role to create users with the Patient role, via admin/people/create. Does Drupal store data about which user created a specific account? If the answer is yes, how can I display this information in... read more